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Understanding Sellers - How Important This Is For Property Buyers

Property buying – how seller intelligence can make a world of difference

The Sunshine Coast property market remains strong for sellers and with limited supply and reasonably low interest rates, vendors often face little financial pressure. Buyers can sometimes waste time negotiating with uncommitted sellers – or they can miss opportunities to drive a bargain.

How the seller’s intelligence impacts property sales

Understanding who’s selling and why can often make the difference between making an offer-price bid, or pushing hard for a discount. Different types of sellers could include:

  • Developers
  • Investors divesting unwanted rental properties
  • Sellers looking to relocate
  • Sellers who are looking to downsize or upsize
  • Sellers getting divorced

Each different type of seller has a very different motivation and timescale with regard to the sale of the property, so discovering why a vendor is seeking to sell is critical intelligence to consider when structuring your offer to purchase a property.

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